



I ran into an interesting glitch (at least a glitch on my part) yesterday when an application I was testing had a different application name specified for the membership and role provider (membership was one, role was diferent one). I'm wondering if anyone knows of a resource that give me more information on the scenario.

I then ran a list of users and their associated roles:

- Role1
- Role1

and then ran a list of roles and their associated users:


Funny thing was that UserC wasn't displayed in the user list becuase I had deleted the user. However UserC did show up in the roles list. It seems that I had inadvertently specified a different application name for each provider and when a user was added to a role, it created another entry in the Users table for the user in the role's application. When the user was deleted, it was removed from the users table (but only the entry matching the membersihp's application name) and the user matching the role's application remained after the delete.

My question is this. Does anyone know of any articles etc anywhere that can give me a little more informtion on this particular scenario, just for information sake?