I need to know if my program can write files to the disk (HDD, floppy, flash, CD) from where it is running. I have tried something like:
Result:= (IOResult = 0);
The problem is that if the disk is read-only, Windows gives me an error message telling me that
"appName.exe - Write Protect Error The disk cannot be written to because it is write protected. Please remove the write protection from the volume USB_BOOT in drive D:. Cancel TryAgain Continue"
How can I test for write access without raising any error/warning messages? Thanks.
Ok. The "bug" has nothing to do with the above mentioned piece of code. I only thought that it appears there. I move the code to the read-only disk and ran it from there. The bug appears in a function called "CreateShortcutEx", on this line:
MyPFile is declared like this:
MyObject : IUnknown;
MySLink : IShellLink;
MyPFile : IPersistFile;
Directory : String;
WFileName : WideString;
MyReg : TRegIniFile;
MyObject := CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink);
MySLink := MyObject as IShellLink;
MyPFile := MyObject as IPersistFile;
So, why is MyPFile trying to write to the application's drive (the one that is read-only) if the WFileName parameter is "C:\documents and settings\bla bla" ?