+1  A: 

Update (based on relation):

select new
Time = l.PeriodEndUtc,
Stat1 = (from s in l.ApplianceStatistics
         where s.ApplianceStatisticNameId == 2
         select s.Value
Stat2 = (from s in l.ApplianceStatistics
         where s.ApplianceStatisticNameId == 3
         select s.Value


select new
Time = l.PeriodEndUtc,
Stat1 = (from s in ApplianceStatistics
                where s.ApplianceStatisticsLogId == l.ApplianceStatisticsLogId
                  &&  s.ApplianceStatisticNameId == 2
                select s.Value
Stat2 = (from s in ApplianceStatistics
                where s.ApplianceStatisticsLogId == l.ApplianceStatisticsLogId
                  &&  s.ApplianceStatisticNameId == 3
                select s.Value
Almost. Using ToList() in both subqueries still generated a roundtrip for every record in the main query result. The solution was using First() instead. I should hav mentioned that only one record should match.
@brett are you sure? where you using an anonymous type on the return as in the sample? I just did some tests, and I actually can't get it to do the multiple round-trips (even without ToList - so I agree that prob has no effect) ... maybe something with the type you were assigning it to?
I actually wasn't using an annoymous type. I just made that change to simplify my sample. Do you think projecting it as a concrete type made a difference? I never considered that could make any difference in the SQL.

Freddy was on the right track and almost had it. The solution ended up being the use of First() for each subquery. As in:

from l in ApplianceStatisticsLogs
where l.ApplianceServerId > 1
orderby l.PeriodEndUtc ascending
select new
    Time = l.PeriodEndUtc,
    Stat1 = (from s in ApplianceStatistic
            where s.ApplianceStatisticsLogId == l.ApplianceStatisticsLogId
              &&  s.ApplianceStatisticNameId == 2
            select s.Value).First(),
    Stat2 = (from s in ApplianceStatistics
            where s.ApplianceStatisticsLogId == l.ApplianceStatisticsLogId
              &&  s.ApplianceStatisticNameId == 3
            select s.Value).First()

I had neglected to mention that only one record should match in the subqueries. Thanks for the help Freddy!
