




I have 1 table filled with articles. For the purpose of this post, lets just say it has 4 fields. story_id, story_title, story_numyes, story_numno

Each article can be voted YES or NO. I store every rating in another table, which contains 3 fields: vote_storyid, vote_date (as a timestamp), vote_code (1 = yes, 0 = no).

So when somebody votes yes on an article, it run an update query to story_numyes+1 as well as an insert query to log the story id, date and vote_code in the 2nd table.

I would like to sort articles based on how many YES or NO votes it has. For "Best of all time" rating is obviously simple.... ORDER BY story_numyes DESC.

But how would I go about doing best/worst articles today, this week, this month?

I get the timestamps to mark the cut-off dates for each period via the following:

$yesterday= strtotime("yesterday");
$last_week = strtotime("last week");
$last_month = strtotime("last month");

But Im not sure how to utilize these timestamps in a mysql query to achieve the desired results.

+4  A: 

Try something like

SUM(CASE WHEN votedate >= $yesterday THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS daycount,
SUM(CASE WHEN votedate >= $last_week THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS weekcount,
SUM(1) AS monthcount
FROM votes
WHERE yes_no = 'YES'
AND votedate >= $last_month

Then make that a subquery and you can get the max values for the counts.

(Please allowing for the usual syntax sloppiness inherent in an untested query.)

In response to the comments:

To use it as an efficient subquery (i.e. not correlated) to get the maximum values:

MAX(daycount) AS MaxDayCount,
MAX(weekcount) AS MaxWeekCount,
MAX(monthcount) AS MaxMonthCount
.... all that stuff ...
) AS qcounts

but of course you can't attribute them to ids, because they are different. If you want them one at a time with ids, you might

SELECT id, monthcount
.... all that stuff ...
) AS qcounts
ORDER BY monthcount DESC

and do it three times, once for day/week/month.

Note: this is all to illustrate some things you could accomplish in a single reasonably efficient query. I wouldn't be surprised if you were to find it's simplest (and simple == good) to break it up as others suggest.

le dorfier
Im trying to stay away from subqueries to minimize CPU load. No way to do this in 1 go?
The kind of subquery you want to stay away from is a correlated subquery, which this isn't. But sure, you can just put ORDER BY whichevercount DESC at the end. But you can only choose one as primary ordering.
le dorfier
And if you want "All time" then you'll need to extend the monthcount with CASE and remove the date restriction in the WHERE (which is what will be expensive).
le dorfier
What exactly do you mean by max values for the counts?
+3  A: 

In general:

select story_id, sum(vote_code)
from story_vote
group by story_id;

For particular vote date ranges:

select story_id, sum(vote_code)
from story_vote
where vote_date >= 'least date, inclusive' 
and vote_date < 'last date, exclusive'
group by story_id;

OP comments:

How would I use the ORDER BY clause?

You'd add an order by sum(vote_code). Descending if you want stories with the most votes first:

order by sum(vote_code) desc;

On edit: I notice he wants all stories, not one, so I'm removing the having clause.

How would I use the ORDER BY clause?
SELECT a.*, SUM(vote_code) AS votes
FROM articles a JOIN votes v ON (a.story_id = v.vote_storyid)
WHERE v.vote_date >= $yesterday
GROUP BY a.story_id

Likewise for $last_week and $last_month.

If you want the results to be sorted, it's better to do this in separate queries, instead of trying to do it in a single query. Because the sort order may be very different for each of the three periods.

Bill Karwin

I came up with my own solution, but I ran into a new problem.

SELECT id, COUNT(id) AS total_votes
 FROM stories
 LEFT JOIN vote_log
 ON (vote_storyid = id)
 LEFT JOIN comments 
 ON (c_itemid = id)
 WHERE vote_date > '0' AND vote_code = 1 
 ORDER BY total_votes desc

Since I join it to the comments table on the story id, it acts as a multiplier. Any way to avoid that?

All other solutions here suffer from the same problem.

1. Take your query and remove the join to comments and the ORDER BY. That will give you one row per story. 2. Put parens around it and give it a name. 3. Left outer join that to the comments.
le dorfier
SELECT tbl1.id, tbl1.total_votes, etc. FROM (SELECT Id, ... your query) AS tbl1 LEFT JOIN comments ON tbl1.id = comments.c_itemid ORDER BY tbl1.total_votes DESC
le dorfier
man, I just spent 2 hours trying to get this to work, but no go. It doesnt see the column names inside the parens