I have a method which needs to be as fast as it possibly can, it uses unsafe memory pointers and its my first foray into this type of coding so I know it can probably be faster.
/// <summary>
/// Copies bitmapdata from one bitmap to another at a specified point on the output bitmapdata
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourcebtmpdata">The sourcebitmap must be smaller that the destbitmap</param>
/// <param name="destbtmpdata"></param>
/// <param name="point">The point on the destination bitmap to draw at</param>
private static unsafe void CopyBitmapToDest(BitmapData sourcebtmpdata, BitmapData destbtmpdata, Point point)
// calculate total number of rows to draw.
var totalRow = Math.Min(
destbtmpdata.Height - point.Y,
//loop through each row on the source bitmap and get mem pointers
//to the source bitmap and dest bitmap
for (int i = 0; i < totalRow; i++)
int destRow = point.Y + i;
//get the pointer to the start of the current pixel "row" on the output image
byte* destRowPtr = (byte*)destbtmpdata.Scan0 + (destRow * destbtmpdata.Stride);
//get the pointer to the start of the FIRST pixel row on the source image
byte* srcRowPtr = (byte*)sourcebtmpdata.Scan0 + (i * sourcebtmpdata.Stride);
int pointX = point.X;
//the rowSize is pre-computed before the loop to improve performance
int rowSize = Math.Min(destbtmpdata.Width - pointX, sourcebtmpdata.Width);
//for each row each set each pixel
for (int j = 0; j < rowSize; j++)
int firstBlueByte = ((pointX + j)*3);
int srcByte = j *3;
destRowPtr[(firstBlueByte)] = srcRowPtr[srcByte];
destRowPtr[(firstBlueByte) + 1] = srcRowPtr[srcByte + 1];
destRowPtr[(firstBlueByte) + 2] = srcRowPtr[srcByte + 2];
So is there anything that can be done to make this faster? Ignore the todo for now, ill fix that later once I have some baseline performance measurements.
UPDATE: Sorry, should have mentioned that the reason i'm using this instead of Graphics.DrawImage is because im implementing multi-threading and because of that I cant use DrawImage.
UPDATE 2: I'm still not satisfied with the performance and i'm sure there's a few more ms that can be had.