



Currently I use the following in the C# code behind of my IFrame Facebook application:


Is there a better way to do this?

I heard of using

<fb:redirect url=\""/>

but if this is the correct way, how would I use it to navigate between pages in the root level of my project? Please provide examples because I learn best from them.

Thank you.

+2  A: 

Using the fb:redirect tag works for FBML applications, but it won't do anything in your IFrame app since <fb:redirect /> means nothing to the browser.

The trick with IFrame apps is that if you link or redirect directly to your page, you lose all the Facebook-specific data (all the fb_sig parameters), which can break things if you don't have a way of persisting them.

I've been working on a .NET client framework for the Facebook API on CodePlex - .NET Facebook API Client - which handles persisting this data for you. It's currently still in alpha, but we've got most of what I consider the more important functionality covered in our first release.

Daniel Schaffer

Daniel have you resolve the auth_token loop in the API client ??, I downloaded it, and had a quick look. Could open the example's in my version of VS, and some kind of getting start documnetation, would be a welcome idea..
