Take a look at algorithms
package, especially the algorithm
2009-04-12 16:22:26
Take a look at algorithms
package, especially the algorithm
And please, whatever you do, configure the listings package to use fixed-width font (as in your example; you'll find the option in the documentation). Default setting uses proportional font typeset on a grid, which is, IMHO, incredibly ugly and unreadable, as can be seen from the other answers with pictures. I am personally very irritated when I must read some code typeset in a proportional font.
There are several other things you can do, such as selecting new fonts:
% ... lots of packages e.g. babel, microtype, fontenc, inputenc &c.
\usepackage{color} % Leave this out if you care about B/W printing, obviously.
\usepackage{upquote} % Turns curly quotes in verbatim text into straight quotes.
% People who have to copy/paste code from the PDF output
% will love you for this. Or perhaps more accurately:
% They will not hate you/hate you less.
\usepackage{beramono} % Or some other package that provides a fixed width font. q.v.
% http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/typewriterfonts.html
\lstset { % A rudimentary config that shows off some features.
basicstyle=\ttfamily, % Without beramono, we'd get cmtt, the teletype font.
commentstyle=\textit, % cmtt doesn't do italics. It might do slanted text though.
\keywordstyle= % Nor does cmtt do bold text.
\tabsize=4 % Or whatever you use in your editor, I suppose.
public final int ourAnswer() { return 42; /* Our final answer */ }