




We have Oracle 10 g databse and we are getting message as ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded . we configure the parameter as below;

Session 600 process : 600

and its a shared Server Mode. We update this to Session :900 and Process : 750. and right now Oracle is running,but i need to know is this help us to go on or i need to do some other changes also to avoid the error "ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded"

Can anybody help plz Your response is Highly appreciated

Regards Joseph


You may have users taking sessions and not releasing them at all, or holding them for a long time. See if there are any long-running transactions when you get that exception.

i was not able to connect when i got error .so i restart the databse,so ididnt knew who are connected long time
When it happens again, before restarting the database, see if you can retrieve any logs of the transactions. Someone may be connecting to your database and not be releasing those connections.
Thanks elie ill check this
we solve this issue. Now we are removing all the inactive sessions those are idle for more than 30 minutes idle.

Best way to know this is to connect to database and dump v$session table every after 5-10 minutes. In this way you can come to know that at times what all processes/applications were holding connection to the database. It could be a bug where a long running process/daemon/service which is not releasing the session at all. A simple script if you can run as a cron job to dump v$session table, it could become visible.

thanks shamik. il check this
we solve this issue. Now we are removing all the inactive sessions those are idle for more than 30 minutes idle.