NOTE : i don't agree btw this is a double question. Please read carefully. I want to know more than just production/studying. Maybe I should lay another accent then and rephrase it? One of my questions is :
- for GUI
- for diff. OS ? Windows?
- for anything you can come up with: a general positioning of functional languages thus.
I know this is probably a subjective question, still, I'm sure there's a lot that could be said. I'm learning Haskell this moment, and, have to admit, I'm struck by its sheer beauty.
Still, Haskell is only one language, and I have no clue how one functional language differs from te next one. I've came across lots of imperative languages (OO or not) in my life, and I think, as much as the next guy, the imperative languages, COBOL and C# are hardly comparable. If there's that much difference in functional languages, is the choosing of one very relevant to me.
Of course, which language to use is very dependant of the context, I can imagine that the answer on 'Which functional language to use for production code' (any?) as not the same as 'Which language to use to study the functional language principles', so I very much would like some positioning of the different languages. Like which should I use when I need a GUI? Which one have compilers for windows to? Is Haskell 'the' functional language, and so forth...