



Can anyone who's following the specification more closely and has experience with how these things usually work estimate when Cross-Site XMLHttpRequest will become a Recommendation and start getting supported by the browsers?


I haven't been following the specification.

Given that IE6 is still in common use 5 years after IE7 came out, it'll take a long time (10 years?) before this can be reliably counted on to exist in browsers.

In the mean time, consider using jsonp for non-sensitive data. Granted, you shouldn't be transmitting sensitive information without encrypting it to begin with...

R. Bemrose
Thanks, but I was asking when this will *start* getting supported only...
Jaka Jančar
Heck, we're still stuck with developing for IE5. Our wheels turn *very* slowly, grinding along on axles of solid incompetence.

when Cross-Site XMLHttpRequest will become a Recommendation


  • It is ready
  • There are two independent, compatible implementations
  • The wheels of bureaucracy have turned far enough

start getting supported by the browsers

Ages ago. Firefox 3.5 supports it, for instance.

David Dorward