




I have been working in C# for a while ago, and recently started again with PHP; and I wonder if it is possible to make web services in php that can be consumed from C#.

Googling, i found various frameworks as NuSOAP, Zend and others.

My questions are:

  • What good frameworks are out there for doing SOAP Web Services development with PHP?
  • Where can I start from?
  • How can I achieve Database agnosticism in PHP?

Thanks in advance

+2  A: 

What good frameworks are out there for doing SOAP Web Services development with PHP?

PHP now has a native soap client and server library. Don't use nusoap.

Where can I start from?

The manual.

How can I achieve Database agnosticism in PHP?

You can get database connectivity abstraction through PDO.

+1  A: 

As long as you publish a WSDL it's very easy to consume a web service from any client. With Visual Studio there is actually a generator that will read the WSDL and generate classes which help you access the web service on its own.

I haven't done it in a while but I am just letting you know it exists. Also, I have in the past wrote a SOAP web service in PHP and used a C# client to access it. So it is definitely possible.

I believe I used NuSOAP and it was quite simple because it actually auto-generated the WSDL by adding a ?wsdl at the end of the URL. I don't think NuSOAP is being developed anymore though but I am not sure.

Peter D

There is SOAP support in PHP since a while, and you can user nusoap too if you have to. Nusoap may needs a little more work, but last time I've checked it supported a bit more bits and pieces of the standard.

It could have been changed since then.

Csaba Kétszeri