



I get an error when I try to connect to my newly created Oracle Lite database. But I can connect to the orabpel DB that was created with the Oracle SOA install.

Here are the steps I took to create it:

  1. Ran: createdb polite db1 manager

  2. Result:

    Oracle Lite CREATEDB Version
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Database C:\SOFTWARE\ORACLEAS\MOBILE\SDK\OLDB40\DB1.odb created (VolID = 1738).
  3. Ran: validatedb polite db1

  4. Result: No errors found!

  5. Ran: msql system/manager@jdbc:polite:db1

6: Result: [POL-3013] bad database or invalid password.

Any ideas?


Not familiar with this particular DB, but I've seen issues before where a new DB allowed local but not remote access to the default account. I had to either create a new user with remote access privileges or add those privileges to the default user (obviously the details depend on your DB).

Vague, but I hope that helps.

Troy Nichols
Well, I am only connecting locally so that shouldn't be a problem. (Thanks)
+1  A: 

According to Oracle the error means:

POL-3013 Bad database or invalid password

Cause: The database failed to open a database or log file, or the file header was corrupted. Possibly caused by using an incorrect password to decrypt the database.

Action: Give the correct password, check your hard drive, or reboot the operating system.

I don't know if it helps, but I found a similar question with an answer on an Oracle forum.

Jon Ericson