What is your favorite visual studio plugin?
The single VS extension I used most often is a few lines of VB linked to a toolbar button that, when pressed, if the current document has a name of the form foo.cpp, opens the file called foo.h in the same directory, and vice versa.
Visual SVN
(maybe not strictly a plug in... but the most essential add on to Visual Studio around)
Resharper: [http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/index.html]
From their website:
"...Solution-wide error highlighting on the fly, advanced code completion, superior unit testing tools, over 30 advanced code refactorings, multiple handy navigation and search utilities, single-click code formatting and cleanup, automatic code generation and templates, and a lot more productivity features for C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, XML, and XAML."
Resharper is nice, but I found it a bit clunky.
I'd say Ghost Doc is the one I used most. Saves a lot of boiler plate doc writing.
- Reflector (http://www.testdriven.net/reflector/)
- Create GUID :)
dotTrace3.1, R#, GhostDoc, HyperAddin. I know its more then one but hey, they speed up development time fast.
XPathMania - has a window for executing xpaths against the current document in VS.
Needs a bit of a hack to get it working in VS 2008 though.
Most definitely CodeRush+RefactorPro - beats the pants off Resharper! :-)
As already mentioned above: Resharper (www.jetbrains.com). It beats the refactoring and code completion of Visual Studio hands down.
Resharper (but slow sometimes)
ViEmu (just love it)
GhostDoc (a lovely time saver)
Resource refactor tool (dont' use it much, but nice to have it there.)
Power Commands
Source Code Outliner (Resharper's File Structure Window has similar features, but not the filtering capability.)
I really want to try Code Rush out some day. For now, I'm afraid of messing up Resharper and ending up losing time. :)
DPack is a FREE collection of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 tools. DPack is designed to greatly increase developer's productivity, automate repetitive processes and expand upon some of Microsoft Visual Studio features
DPack includes various browser tools that allow the developer to quickly find solution files, types, particular type members, methods or properties for instance, or quickly find and reference standard .NET framework types. DPack includes greatly enhanced numbered bookmarks feature, various code navigation tools as well as streamlined surround with feature, and much more. See screenshots and learn more about individual features using Features menu.
I use ViEmu and Codekana together. It's a really nice combination!
ViEmu gives you Vi(m) keyboard mappings and Codekana colors the code to make it easier to see what different parts of it is.
My favorite is ReSharper (can't do C# without it :), but I'd also recommend DPack.
That would be the one I helped to write. :)
It does static analysis of C/C++ code to find bugs as you program.
An alternative for RockScroll. It fixes a few annoying issues such as region support.
I just made a tool that can do this. It's free and it's open source. I use it daily and can't code without it.
SharpSort is plugin for VS that makes it easier Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010 developers to maintain their code clean and readable at all times by grouping and sorting source code members. You can also define your own custom code layout or use predefined ones.
I also can't live without ViEmu plugin for VS.
Code Rocket gets my vote - http://www.getcoderocket.com/
From their website: "Code Rocket is an innovative tool that reveals the inner workings of C#, ... and C/C++ code, for Visual Studio... It makes documentation a seamlessly integrated part of the software development process, plugging directly into your development IDE with minimal overheads, delivering powerful benefits from day one."
I think the feature in Notepad++, where if you select any text, for instance a variable name "sName" or similar, the editor also highlights all other positions wherer the string exists. This is really a big help when looking through my code!
Anyone know of anything like this? Or other similar "editor" enhancements?
Another anoyance that I would like to know how to get rid of is, if you have nothing selected and by misstake presses Ctrl + C instead of Ctrl + V, the stupid program will just empty the clipboard. This isn't standard functionality, millions of times I have done this misstake... Could you make it stop trying to copy "emptiness"?.
Even regular notepad is smarter than that...
Thanks/Jesper Wilfing
Dispatch for ASP - Enhanced FTP Deployment for Web Apps. (Great for projects that need to deploy several times a day.)
Not sure if someone already mentioned that.
Tools –> Options –> Projects and Solutions [set] Track Active Item in Solution Explorer.
It is very irritating to work on a particular file and then try to find it in the solution explorer tree to see more files in the same folder/path.
I very like CodeCompare tool. It helps me compare and edit data within one environment.
Spell Checker - Spellchecks strings and comments as you type. Show suggestions as smart tags.
I probably have a whole heap more but these are the ones I use most.