I have a small button I want to add to the top left corner of a Delphi TDBGrid component (in the header/title cells). I am able to place the button easily, but now the click event is not handled. I'm guessing the event is being caught by the grid. Any way I can force this specific event to go to the button instead? Note I still need the grid to handle click events for its title buttons like it currently does.
procedure TForm38.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
button1.Parent := grid;
button1.Top := 0;
button1.Left := 0;
button1.Width := 12;
button1.Height := 18;
button1.OnClick := Button1Click;
Update:I've found I was able to use the button's MouseDown event which seems to work well, but I couldn't use the click event.
procedure TForm38.Button1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
if ( Button = mbLeft ) then