



I'm messing with assembly language programming and I'm curious how I could tell if a number is a multiple of 4 using the logic operator AND?

I know how to do it using "div" or "remainder" instructions but I'm trying to do this with bit manipulation of number/word.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm using MIPs but a Language agnostic answer is fine.

+20  A: 

Well, to detect if a number is a multiple of another, you simple need to do x MOD y. If the result is 0, then it is an even multiple.

It is also true that for every y that is a power of 2, (x MOD y) is equivalent to (x AND (y - 1)).


IF (x AND 3) == 0 THEN
    /* multiple of 4 */


ok, you want to know why (x MOD y) == (x AND (y - 1)) when y is a power of 2. I'll do my best to explain.

Basically, if a number is a power of 2, then it has a single bit set (since binary is base 2). This means that all of the lower bits are unset. So for example: 16 == 10000b, 8 == 1000b, etc.

If you subtract 1 from any of these values. You end up with a the bit that was set being unset and all bits below it being set.

15 = 01111b, 7 = 0111b, etc. So basically it is creates a mask which can be used to test if the any of the lower bits were set. I hope that was clear.

EDIT: Bastien Léonard's comment covers it well too:

if you divide (unsigned) by 4, you shift two bits to the right. Thus the remainder is those two bits, which get lost when you divide. 4 - 1 = 11b, that is, a mask that yields the two rightmost bits when you AND it with a value.

EDIT: see this page for possibly clearer explanations:

It covers detecting powers of 2 and using AND as a fast modulo operation if it is a power of 2.

Evan Teran
um, his answer does use bit manipulation, look at the whole answer...
@ilproxyil, his answer has been edited since I commented.
Yea, i was explaining why you can AND with y -1, to get the same value as MOD y.
Evan Teran
@tvanfosson: thanks for the rollback, was about to do that myself after your comment in the other post :).
Evan Teran
@Evan Teran, I see how you say that they are equivalent but I still don't see why it would be y - 1?
@Mithrax: if you divide (unsigned) by 4, you shift two bits to the right. Thus the remainder is those two bits, which get lost when you divide. 4 - 1 = 11b, that is, a mask that yields the two rightmost bits when you AND it with a value.
Bastien Léonard
@Bastien: goo way to word it, added to my answer.
Evan Teran
Thanks Evan and everyone else. I appreciate it.
Derek E
+4  A: 

(x & 3) == 0

W.r.t. assembly language, use TST if available, otherwise AND, and check the zero flag.

Why is it 3 again?
@John Millikin That's wrong, 0 is a multiple of any number.
@John -- yes it is 0 is the product of 0 x 4.
My mistake -- not thinking clearly, obviously.
John Millikin
+1  A: 

A number is a multiple of 4 if its lower 2 bits are 0, so you can simply shift the number right twice and check shifted bits for 0.

Hldev Zkran
+1  A: 

In x86 assembly:

    test eax, 3
    jnz not_multiple_of_4

    ; action to be taken if EAX is a multiple of 4

    ; ...
Bastien Léonard