



I find myself using Javascript day to day without a solid understanding of the language. There are some great writeups out there about using specific features of the language, but I'd like a distilled, printed book reference about the language itself.

Please list good books that discuss the JavaScript language; not frameworks, usage and quirks.

+28  A: 

The javascript book from o'reilly is great.

Javascript The Definitive guide

This is the one I ended getting. It was exactly what I wanted.
Someone should edit this link, so that the name of the book becomes obvious. Currently it's encoded in URL.
Rene Saarsoo

Book: I like the Rhino book

i know you asked for books but I love the sample code at Doc JavaScript

+4  A: 

I thought JavaScript: the Definitive Guide was a nice one.

+58  A: 

Douglas Crockford's recent JavaScript: The Good Parts from O'Reilly is an excellent overview of the JavaScript language from a Computer Science/Programming point of view. How Objects/Inheritance works, what language constructs are available, how scope works, how closure works, etc.

It also highlights some features Crockford thinks are "Bad" and to be avoided. Whether or not you agree with him it's good background information to have.

Alan Storm
There's a Kindle copy of this available now. Even better.
Steve Rowe
+1 I just got it. You're right that is a phenomenally good book
watching crockford's videos will contribute to you just as much, maybe more.

Another vote for JavaScript: The Definitive Guide.

Jeff Hubbard
Jeff, you should vote the post up, rather than commenting as a separate answer. This is the way the community shows its approval of the response.
+1  A: 

w3Schools has one of the simplest material.

Theres some pretty confusing explanations on there too unfortunately - namely
Dr. Frankenstein

Javascript: The definitive guide explains the core JavaScript language in detail

Alejandro Bologna

For the most part, I am familiar with basic syntax or can look that up easily. It tends to be the properties and built-in functions I really struggle to find a good reference for. That's why I try to snag the O'Reilly Pocket reference for every language I have to work in. The JavaScript one is particularly handy.

Rob Allen
+2  A: 
He's John Resig (without "n")
+35  A: 

I've found these two books to be universally embraced:

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan


JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford

You might also be interested in viewing Crockford speak over at Yahoo Video:

Douglas Crockford: "The JavaScript Programming Language"/1 of 4

Douglas Crockford: "The JavaScript Programming Language"/2 of 4

Douglas Crockford: "The JavaScript Programming Language"/3 of 4

Douglas Crockford: "The JavaScript Programming Language"/4 of 4

Gern Blandston
How do The Definitive Guide and The Good parts differ in approach/style and language coverage?
Sam Hasler
Oo, Douglas Crockford recommends The Definitive Guide as the "least bad" JavasScript book in the first video
Sam Hasler
Crockford has his opinions, and he can keep them. I don't know who died and proclaimed him God of JavaScript, but he sure thinks he is. Granted, the man knows JavaScript, but like anything, there are certainly things he believes that not everyone agrees on...
Jason Bunting
Sam: Douglas Crockford is the author of *Javascript: The Good Parts*. It was published in 2008, a year after these videos were recorded.
I must disagree with Jason, I've never gotten the impression Crockford thinks of himself in this way, I think he always clearly states when its a personal opinion, and never claims any false authority.I found the videos the perfect intro to the language for a c++/java programmer as myself trying to get a feel for the language. I was trying to understand a specific piece of code, and after seeing them, I now clearly do. Thx for the links.
Emile Vrijdags

JavaScript Pocket Reference by David Flanagan, published by O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-00411-7.

+1  A: 

Javascript: The Good Parts

+11  A: 

"Pro JavaScript techniques" by John Resig

Pro JavaScript techniques

FYI, your image is broken here, might want to replace it
Tristan Havelick

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide


JavaScript: The Good Parts


I found this book to be pretty good at getting to the core of the language:

Professional JavaScript for Web Developers

Don Cote

Yahoo has a very good series of lectures on Javascript by Douglas Crockford —

The JavaScript Programming Language

+4  A: 

Take a look at ECMA-262, the official specification for ECMAScript (*cough* JavaScript) syntax, semantics, and core objects. Bear in mind it does not cover web-specific objects or interfaces (e.g. the DOM in its various forms), as these are outside of the language proper.

It has downsides:

  • It's not a printed document as you requested, unless you print it yourself.
  • It's verbose and not terribly well-written. For instance, many of the specifications are listed in algorithmic steps rather than described in prose (e.g. "1. Let x be the foo value; 2. Shift x by three bits to the left; ...").
+3  A: 

This is a really good book:

Object oriented javascript

+2  A: 

Not a paper-based book, but Eloquent JavaScript fits the rest of your description -- and has a built-in JS console for immediate programming gratification.


I personally have the second edition, but this book was fantastic.

Beginning Javascript

+3  A: 

ppk on JavaScript has to be the best JavaScript book I have read. This is from the guy that runs

quirksmode book cover
