




sound like a terrible idea? Yeah I thought so too. Needless to say im told I have to do it.

Situation: Old MFC-based C++ gui application that reads and processes a whole lot of data sources into an internal datastructure, before displaying it to the user.

Problem: I need that datastructure in .NET, in XML will do.


  1. Make a function in the MFC app that writes the datastructure to a big XML string(easy).
  2. dllexport this function(or COM?)(as a C++ or C funtion or what?)
  3. Compile the MFC GUI app into a dll(how?).
  4. ???
  5. Reference the dll from .NET and P/Invoke method for great profit.

Is this insanity? Is it possible to compile a dll library from a GUI MFC app without changing it? Is it a horrible idea? What are my alternatives? Im pretty lost tbh.

+1  A: 

I would be working on extracting the specific business logic code in the MFC app and sticking that stuff in a DLL, rather than trying to wrap up the whole app.

You might be making a false assumption here that it will take you less effort to wrap the MFC app up as a DLL (basically removing all the GUI code, adding a DLL main and modifying the build process to produce a DLL), than the effort to isolate the business logic code and put that in a new DLL project.

To wrap the GUI up as a DLL you will need a pretty good understanding of the dependencies of the business logic code and how it is used by the GUI, so you may as well just cut that stuff out.

that is what i would be doing also - however I cannot, because im just a contractor and they 'dont have the resources' to change the scope to include refactoring the app.
I think the resources for linking the GUI app as a DLL and exposing the appropriate business logic as an exported function might be equivalent to just extracting that business logic and building a new DLL.
I agree with Cannonade. I don't think your approach it's going to work (I am not an expert in this kind of things though). But isolating the business logic is always a good idea (not only in this particular case) and will give you other advantages.
Javier De Pedro

Can you change the MFC source just a little? Why not add some command-line parameters to cause the app to spit XML to std output instead of launching GUI?

In CWinApp::InitInstance you have access to command-line paramters by inheriting CCommandLineInfo.

From the .Net client, launch the process and capture the output.

Aidan Ryan