I am using turbopower's stExport from the systools' package. Using it to export a dataset. That works great. The Class makes available FOnExportProgress. This class does not have a visual component and so no object inspector to simply double click and have delphi create the event for me. Can anyone provide a simple example of how to create the event manually??
For most visual components delphi provides this for you. Example:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
//code here
How does one manually create this.
I include a bit of the class below that refers to the event.
TStExportProgressEvent = procedure (Sender : TObject; Index : Integer;
var Abort : Boolean) of object;
FOnExportProgress : TStExportProgressEvent;
FOnQuoteField : TStOnQuoteFieldEvent;
if Assigned(FOnExportProgress) then
FOnExportProgress(self, Count, Abort);
How do I manually assign the OnExportProgress.
Please include a simple example !
Thank you.