





I am attemptting to attach a small CMS to a website I am creating. However I have come across a small problem. The CMS uses PHP functions for inserting menus, these PHP functions create the HTML. The particular function I wish to use (treemenu) creates a nested ul li that can then be used for a drop down menu. However the nested ul li is structured like so:

<li>Projects (Menu Level 1)</li>
        <li>Project 1 (Menu Level 2)</li>
        <li>Project 2 (Menu Level 2)</li>
        <li>Project 3 (Menu Level 2)</li>
<li>News (Menu Level 1)</li>
<li>Contact (Menu Level 1)</li>

When creating a drop down menu in CSS I believe the Menu Level 1 li should wrap its children like so:

<li>Projects (Menu Level 1)
        <li>Project 1 (Menu Level 2)</li>
        <li>Project 2 (Menu Level 2)</li>
        <li>Project 3 (Menu Level 2)</li>
<li>News (Menu Level 1)</li>
<li>Contact (Menu Level 1)</li>

I have never before worked with PHP and therefore would not know how to alter the function in order to accomplish the above. I would hope it would be a simple change. Below is the PHP function that outputs the first example structure:

function treemenu($generat=0) {
global $pagenum, $menu, $selected, $extension, $set;
while($menu[$count][0] != "") {
 if(strpos($menu[$count][3],"#") === false) {
 if($menu[$count][2]=="0" && $intend==2) {
 if($menu[$count][1]=="0" && $intend==1) {
 if($menu[$count][1]!="0" && $intend<1) {
 if($menu[$count][2]!="0" && $intend<2) {
 $out.="<li class=\"LNE_menu\"><a ";
  $out.= 'class="selected" ';
  $out.='href="'.str_replace("*", "",$menu[$count][3]).'">';
return $out;

Could anyone possibly point me in the right direction as to how to make the closing li tag of a level 1 menu item wrap the ul immediately after, as in the second example?

+7  A: 

This would be a excellent example of the use of recursion. An array (with sub-arrays within it) defines each level, and a function loops, calling itself whenever it finds a new array to process. As long as the function cleans up appropriately (closing the </li> & </ol>), it's largely automatic.

// I know which function I'd rather write....
$tree = array('Projects (Menu Level 1)',
              array('Project 1 (Menu Level 2)',
                    'Project 2 (Menu Level 2)',
                    'Project 3 (Menu Level 2)'),
              'News (Menu Level 1)',
              'Contact (Menu Level 1)');

// now quake beneath the power of this fully operational recursive function!
function olLiTree($tree)
    echo '<ul>';
    foreach($tree as $item) {
        if (is_array($item)) {
        } else {
            echo '<li>', $item, '</li>';
    echo '</ul>';
olLiTree($tree);  // kick off from the top level
Alister Bulman
You’re generating invalid HTML. The nested `<ul>` needs to be inside a `<li>`.
i'd avoid echoing inside the function, bad style imho.
Alister Bulman
+1  A: 

It appears Topbit already beat me to this, but mine is slightly differs in that it doesn't echo the value straight to the output stream, but saves it in a variable that you may echo at your convenience:


function GenerateMenu($arr)
    $output = "<ul>\n";
    foreach($arr as $val) {
     if (is_array($val)) {
      $output .= "<li>\n" . GenerateMenu($val, $output) . "</li>\n";
     else {
      $output .= "<li>" . $val . "</li>\n";
    $output .= "</ul>\n";
    return $output;

$html = GenerateMenu($menu);



Thanks Gumbo and Topbit, now that I'm on my machine with PHP installed, I have tested it and it works fine.

John Rasch
replacing +'s with the string concatenation '.' does make it work.
Alister Bulman
You’re generating invalid HTML. The nested `<ul>` needs to be inside a `<li>`.
PHP string concatenation is . not +. And yes, a function should imo generally not output any data directly.
+3  A: 

A simple function is all you need.

function unorderedList($val)
    if (is_array($val)) {
     return '<ul><li>' . 
        array_map('unorderedList', $val)) . 
    } else {
     return $val;

Test code:

$menu = array('Projects (Menu Level 1)',
              array('Project 1 (Menu Level 2)',
                    'Project 2 (Menu Level 2)',
                    'Project 3 (Menu Level 2)'),
              'News (Menu Level 1)',
              'Contact (Menu Level 1)');

echo unorderedList($menu);
Thanks OIS, I understand that this is all I need now. However I do not have the knowledge to implement this as I would need to take into account other variables such as $pagenum, $menu, $selected, $extension, $set, which are used. I wish i could simply alter something in the original code.

I think this outputs the correct HTML structure.

function GenerateMenu($arr)
foreach($arr as $val) {
 if (next($arr)) { $nextitem = current($arr); }
 if (is_array($val)) {
  $output .= "\n<ul>\n" . GenerateMenu($val, $output) . "</ul>\n</li>\n\n";
 elseif (is_array($nextitem)) { $output .= "<li>" . $val; }
 else { $output .= "<li>" . $val . "</li>\n"; }
return $output;
$html = GenerateMenu($menu);
echo("<ul>\n" . $html . '</ul>');

Same test code as above:

$menu = array('Projects (Menu Level 1)',
          array('Project 1 (Menu Level 2)',
                'Project 2 (Menu Level 2)',
                'Project 3 (Menu Level 2)'),
          'News (Menu Level 1)',
          'Contact (Menu Level 1)');