I'm looking mainly at things like new SQL syntax, new kinds of locking, new capabilities etc. Not so much in the surrounding services like data warehousing and reports...
- New separate types for Date and Time, instead of just Datetime
- New geographic types for lattitude/longitude
- Change Data Capture is pretty neat if you're doing anything where auditing is important
- Configuration Servers, for maintaining multiple databases.
That's what caught my attention at the Heroes Happen Here launch back in April.
Joel Coehoorn
2008-09-16 18:34:54
Did you check the whitepaper on the website? SQL Server 2008 Overview.
I cannot recall off the top of my head, but it atleast has a nice database to object linking functionality. They have geospatial types too, if you need to use those.
2008-09-16 18:36:30
white paper on SQL Server 2008
This should cover most of the new features. I noticed the new date time data types and new security features.
Andrew Jahn
2008-09-16 18:38:25
Page compressiong sounds really nice to me. Haven't used it yet, though.
David Vidmar
2008-09-16 19:36:58