



I've had a problem with my styles not being applied after AJAX calls. My styles were not in the < HEAD> section of the page, and they were only recognized by IE on initial Page_Load.

If you know of any other ways to fix this problem, post them here.

This is more of a reference, hope this helps some people.

+1  A: 

After doing some Googling, I found out that moving my styles into the < HEAD> tag of the page fixes the problem.

roman m
@rm: accepting your own answer might help others.
Jon Cram

You can also grab the style from your AJAX HTML, and insert it in the head. Here's some sample code. Tested in IE8 and Chrome.

function enable_embedded_styles(html) {
// Grab style content, and create new style element for it
// Works for first set of <style></style> tags in html
// Tested in IE and Chrome
    if (typeof(html) === 'string') {
        var beg = html.indexOf('<style>'), 
            end = html.indexOf('</style>');

        if (beg !== -1 && end !== -1) {
            var style = html.substr(beg + 7, end - 7 - beg); // everything between style tags
            html = html.substr(end + 8); // everything after closing style tag

            s = document.createElement('style');

            // For IE
            if (s.styleSheet) {
                s.styleSheet.cssText = style;
            } // endif

            // For every other browser
            else {
            } // endelse

            // Append stylesheet to head
        } // endif
    } // endif

    return html;
} // endfunction
Fraser Harris