On my journey into the depths of custom ASP.NET control development I am obviously getting my head around the ASP.NET PostBack model and how it affects control development.
I understand that controls have no "lifetime" in ASP.NET, and therefore must be re-initialized on each and every page load. We overcome this by persisting the objects values/parameters to the ViewState.
Many articles I read therefore suggest not using PostBack since this can add considerable overhead to the Page. I am not looking for how to disable it, I know that.
What I am looking for is:
What alternatives to we have to using the PostBack model to initialize controls?
I know we could use the QueryString, but that seems awfully messy, and obviously unreliable.
Ideally you could give me an overview of the architecture/design of a different approach and the pro's/con's of it..
Many thanks ^_^