I have a problem in XL regarding redefining the Macro assignment of radio button when the source worksheet is copied to a Destination worksheet within a new workbook.
When i click on the radio button in the Destination worksheet, it attempt to open the Source workbook RATHER to run the macro assigned to the button.
I have checked and the Destination workbook DOES indeed have identical copy of the macro, as the original Source workbook. However, by Right clicking / Assign Macro on the radio button, i find that the path STILL points to the source workbook/worksheet.
I tried the following code while running it from the Source worksheet, but it does not work.
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Option Button 1").Select
Selection.OnAction = "Sheet1.WEEKLY"
I would appreciate your suggestion, how to modify the last Selection.OnAction code so that XL knows to pick it from the Destination worksheet, instead of jumping back to the original source workbook.