



I have something like the following jQuery code

buttons =
           styles });

save =
$(save).attr({  type: "button",
    value: "Save" 

undo =
$(undo).attr({  type: "button",
    value: "Start again" 

//add elements to document
$(buttons +'> input').css({
       shared styles for buttons 

The problem I have is that the shared styles for the buttons don't apply. I get no error messages. I've also tried using other jQuery methods to check it's not the css that's the problem, but nothing applied to $(buttons +'> input') works.

Does anyone have any idea why?

+4  A: 

Your problem is here:

$(buttons +'> input').css({
   shared styles for buttons 

buttons at that point is not a string, but a DOM element object. So when you try to append this object to the string > input your selector ends up being something like "[object HTMLDivElement] > input", which is obviously not right.

This should work, as according to the children() documentation it only selects the immediate children, replicating the behavior of the > selector:

   shared styles for buttons 

Or, if that doesn't, which it should, then you can try this, although I don't feel good about it:

$('> input', buttons).css({
   shared styles for buttons 

Also, I am not sure why you are individually creating the elements with createElement. jQuery supports creating DOM elements on the fly. Using that, you can shorten this:

undo =
$(undo).attr({  type: "button",
    value: "Start again" 

To this:

$('<input>').attr({  type: "button",
    value: "Start again" 
Paolo Bergantino