At the point where you are reaching a sufficient portion of your target audience that the cost becomes too great to make up for the additional little bit you gain by supporting a lessor-used browser.
For most sites, 17% is too much to drop for the little bit of work required to support it.
But IE5 is small enough, and the compatibility issues large enough that it doesn't make sense to support it.
If you're running a site oriented to a technical audience you might be able to drop ie6 as very few of your target audience would be turned away, and the additional work to support them is greater than the value they represent to your site.
Regarding screen resolution - keep in mind that more and more users are experiencing the internet through mobile devices. This is a question that you can only answer by looking at your content/application, and your userbase, and making a judgment call.
For the most part, big sites support a wide range of resolutions and devices transparently, but you may only need to support one once you look at your audience and application.