




Hi. First of all, sorry for my english. It's not my native language.

Here is the problem: I'm writing client-server application based on .net remoting. The application is some kind of calculator.

Client application has some field(number A and number B, and label for result) and some possible actions, represented by the buttons: Add, Substract, Multiply, Divide, etc..

Server application is a console application, that should habe following functions:

  • make this calculations
  • detect, what actions are done by the specific client.

Eg of output:

Server started
Client A(IP: connected<br>
Client A Add 18 to 12<br>
Client A disconnected

The main problem is - how to get actions on server and how can i detect, what clients do. Thx for help.


I know 2 common ways for tracing with .NET Remoting:


Remoting Analyzator Studio is rather complex solution. there should be smth easier. hope so..


This may not be ideal, but you can create a custom sink that hooks into the remoting channel which logs all remoting traffic. You can learn how to create a custom sink from Ingo Rammer's Advanced .NET Remoting book.

I've used his book to create custom sinks in the past.


We modified Mono TCP remoting channel to do this. It takes like 30 minutes and you can add information about the method call being invoked, time to execute and so on. It turns out to be a extremely good tool to measure performance on real servers. You can parse the output and learn which methods are taking more time, sending or receiving more data and so on. Really helpful.
