



Has anyone come across the problem where Internet Explorer won't print a page properly unless I go through print preview? If I just click print directly, or the print button on the page, it prints two pages, the first with just the heading on it, and the second one blank.

If I go through Print Preview, it shows the correct format of the page, and the prints it out correctly too if I print from Print Preview.

The page does have some print specific CSS but I don't see how that would be causing a problem?



Could be an issue that Print Preview shows Letter as a default but when you hit print it uses A4 as default. (A4 is 210x297, letter is larger)

Ólafur Waage

Same issue here. Printed thousands of pages properly in IE7 then upgraded to IE8 and only the first page prints unless I do print preview. Have switched to Mozzilla for my printing jobs. (PS It does print some multi-page websites properly but not the one I printed thousands of pages for using IE7).

Jim Thomas
+1  A: 

I ran into this same problem. Adding the following meta data forcing it back down to IE7 standard rendering mode fixed it for me.

< meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7">


I have experienced the same problem. Print Preview is the only workaround I've found. How do you submit a bug request to Microsoft??
