As the others have said: FxCop and StyleCop. ReSharper 4.5 also has configurable naming conventions. The beauty of this is that it'll highlight misnamed items and give you a popup with a suggested name. I'm not 100% sure, but I think this can also be run during ReSharper's 'Code Cleanup' functionality (if it's not, it'd be great if it could be!)
Of course, once you edit and and correct the names, they'll only be correct at that very point time in time. To ensure they're correct now and forever more, integrate FxCop/StyleCop into your Continuous Integration environment. This'll catch the naughty anti-social developers who flaunt the rules and regulations (what community service you give them is up to you, but it often involves being the doughnut and/or coffee purchaser 'till someone else screws up!)