Our database contains hierarchical "items". Every item has detail information inside a separate table. E.g. an item could be a folder or a file. Now I would like to export children of an item to XML. For performance reasons I would like to do this inside a SP. Of course, it's possible to write a cursor-based SP, but cursors tend to be slow. Much better are CTE (with ...) and FOR XML, but I don't know how to combine CTE and FOR XML including the detail table information.
create table items (
itemid integer,
parent_itemid integer
create table folder (
folderid integer,
itemid integer,
foldername varchar(50),
create table file (
fileid integer,
itemid integer,
filename varchar(50),
XML Export
<folder id="1" foldername="Top-Folder">
<folder id="2" foldername="Sub-Folder">
<file id="10" filename="Subdoc.doc"/>
<file id="10" filename="Doc1.doc"/>
<file id="11" filename="Doc2.doc"/>