



Aside from the language used (Java, C#, etc.), are articles and books for Hibernate equally good for nHibernate? Now that I am learning I want to research but I don't want to waste time on the wrong information.

Thank you.

I have a very basic CRUD database project for learning if anyone has any all in one article.

EDIT: I bought the book nHibernate in Action, but I also found this website with helpful nHibernate videos:

+1  A: 

Absolutely. I would recommend you Hibernate in Action.

Darin Dimitrov
+4  A: 

It would indeed, that said a friend of mine has just finished writing NHibernate in Action and I HIGHLY recommend it. As for web references I suggest the best practices article by Billy MCatherty, and of course the NHibernate documentation.

Only bad this is this book goes to 1.2 and nHibernate 2.0 has been out since August 2008. That's what I read anyway. For me it may be fine, though. Thank you again.
Not fully through it yet, so I can't comment. I do know its been through a series of revisions and not long since been sent to print, so this may not be the case any more. I'll get back to you with a definitive answer. Great resource anyway, I'm learning a lot more than I thought I would.
Oh, and I really wasn't just flippantly adding the comment about looking at the docs, they are a really dry read but very useful. Also I would suggest looking at the "Fluent NHibernate" project for building strongly typed mappings (and auto generation).
I bought the book. It is on the way February 2009 version. The sample chapter one was really nice. I hope the rest of the book is that good. Thanks.
The section on mappings was very useful to me. There's so many more options avaliable than I knew about.