I have this very weird results when trying to fetch the AVG() field from my "reponse" field.
Query :
SELECT AVG(Reponse.note) as noteMoyenne, Categorie.titre,
Autorisation.typeEvaluateur, COUNT(DISTINCT Autorisation.id) as nbEvaluateur
FROM reponses as Reponse, categories as Categorie, questions as Question,
autorisations as Autorisation
WHERE Reponse.question_id = Question.id AND
Question.categorie_id = Categorie.id AND
Reponse.note != 0 AND
Reponse.evaluation_id = $id AND
Autorisation.evaluation_id = $id AND
Autorisation.complete = 1
GROUP BY Categorie.titre, Autorisation.typeEvaluateur
ORDER BY Categorie.id;
I would expect the results to be something like :
noteMoyenne Cat typeEvaluateur nbEvaluateur
4.0225 Cat1 TypeA 3
**1.6425 Cat1 TypeB 1
3.4123 Cat2 TypeA 5
But it seems like the average is kept for the every single categories and then reset when there's a new Category. Actual data returned :
noteMoyenne Cat typeEvaluateur nbEvaluateur
4.0225 Cat1 TypeA 3
**4.0225 Cat1 TypeB 1
3.4123 Cat2 TypeA 5
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm kinda lost with this.