How do you track/manage your stored procedures, views, and functions in SQL Server?
I'd like to use Subversion, but it looks like I would have to just save & commit the CREATE/ALTER statements. That might work okay for me, but I suspect I'd end up doing a lot of nagging.
Is anyone using versioning with their databases? Is there a better way?
In the past, people have just commented out parts of the code and left it in. Or, they add little "added on 2/31/2010" comments all over. It drives me nuts, because I know there is a better way.
We do log changes in the object's header, but that's pretty limited. It would make my life easier to be able to diff versions.
Additional Info
We are using SQL Server 2005. I have Subversion (via VisualSVN Server) and TortoiseSVN installed, but I'm open to other suggestions.
By database objects, I specifically mean stored procedures, views, and functions.
There are only a few tables I would need to track. The database is the backend for a commercial application, and we mostly pull information out for reporting
I found a related question about stored procedure versioning