i have a pre-configured .vimrc file under ~/ ,after searching a term through '/' key,all items matched are highlighted,but after i find the need position and hit enter,the highlighted terms are still highlited... it's very disappointing since when i issue --c/"--,the screen is mashed with highlightings.which setting controls search highlighting facility?thanks!
If you type ":nohls<enter>
" it will turn off the search highlighting. (The next time you do a search, it will be highlighted, this is not a permanent setting. It is useful for turning off the highlighting for the current search.)
Not sure if that's what you're looking for.
Andy White
2009-04-21 15:58:37
thanks,but i want some vim setting that control highlighting behaviour,not a command to remove the highlighting.
2009-04-21 16:01:29
You can issue :nohl
to turn off highlighting until the next search. I would recommend mapping that to a key.
:map <F4> :nohl<CR>
If you want to turn off highlighting forever, use :se nohlsearch
in you .vimrc
2009-04-21 15:59:16