Consider the following scenario:
- Employee (EmpId(PK), Name)
- TeamMembers(TeamId(PK), EmpId(PK))
- Project(ProjId(PK), TeamId)
I really want to avoid using composite PK, but the only way I see out of the problem is creating a Team table with only 1 column TeamId(PK) (i do not want to store any info associated with the team other than its members) (EDIT: if I create a team table, i'll add TeamMeberId to TeamMembers table and make it a PK)
Another problem with current setup is that I can't set a relationship for TeamId between Project and TeamMebers tables
Should I just create a 1 column Team table? What's the best approach in this case?
just to clear things up, the only thing I want to know about that team is its existance, no additional info of any kind
Tables New Design (anything wrong with it?):
- Employee (EmpId(PK), Name)
- Team(TeamId(PK))
- TeamMembers(TeamMemberId(PK), TeamId(FK), EmpId(FK))
- Project(ProjId(PK), TeamId(FK))