



Could you recommend a good book on C# algorithms and data structures? I am looking for something that is intermediary to advanced as a difficulty level. Java would also be acceptable, but I would prefer a book on C#.

+4  A: 

The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven Skiena

This isn't C# but it's one of the best algorithm books I've seen and it's very readable. Get the 2nd edition.

Stevey's Blog Rants gives it a "big thumbs up" here..

Martin Peck
+1  A: 

What kind of content are you looking for ? Algorithms and data structures don't typically depend on language and most good texts are language agnostic, and use the lowest common denominator (C or Pascal) for examples.

I recommend Data Structures and Algorithms

Indeed, algorithms and data structures are fundamental concepts that should be independent of the language. There is however difference between an algorithm implemented in c and the same algorithm implementation in Prolog to give just an example, the idea is the same, but the syntax and language particularities are quite notable. I am familiar with algorithms and data structures at least at a basic level, I am interested in having an elegant and efficient implementations in c#.
+1  A: 

I seem to be playing book reviewer today, but I recommend the classic Algorithms in Java by Sedgewick. It's not C#, but it's close, and very exhaustive. Examples are in very generic Java and should port to C# pretty easily.

+4  A: 

Check this freely available book:

See also:

+1  A: 

I would recommend: Algorithms by Richard Johnsonbaugh and Marcus Schaefer

It is not written in C# but offers detailed explanations of all the main data structures and algorithms and all the logic is very easily translated into C#.


Mark Dawson

This is a old post. I found this article - Algorithms and Data Structures on MSDN. Looks a good fit for beginners.
