




I recently moved from the JSecurity plugin to Spring Security. How do I get the authenticated user from within my controllers?

+5  A: 

I'm using 0.5.1 and the following works for me:

class EventController {
  def authenticateService

  def list = { 
     def user = authenticateService.principal() 
     def username = user?.getUsername()
John Wagenleitner
Great- thanks! Just a typo in your above code. It should be def username = user?.getUsername()
Mike Sickler
Thanks for catching that, I corrected it.
John Wagenleitner
+8  A: 

It's not currently documented, but in the plugin installation file, there are 3 methods that it adds to every controller so that you don't actually have to inject the authenticationService:

private void addControllerMethods(MetaClass mc) {
 mc.getAuthUserDomain = {
  def principal = SCH.context?.authentication?.principal
  if (principal != null && principal != 'anonymousUser') {
   return principal?.domainClass

  return null

 mc.getPrincipalInfo = {
  return SCH.context?.authentication?.principal

 mc.isUserLogon = {
  def principal = SCH.context?.authentication?.principal
  return principal != null && principal != 'anonymousUser'

This means that you can just call


To get the principal object. It also has "isUserLogin" to see if the user is logged and "authUserDomain" to get the actual domain class instance (the Person/User) associated with the principal of the logged in user.

Ted Naleid
Great info, thanks for the tip.
John Wagenleitner
I spent an hour and a half banging my head against the keyboard trying to get Acegi plug to work with the File Upload pattern shown in http://www.packtpub.com/article/file-sharing-in-grails until I found this. Thanks!
Visionary Software Solutions