




When running wsdl.exe on a wsdl I created, I get this error:

Error: Unable to import binding 'SomeBinding' from namespace 'SomeNS'.
- Unable to import operation 'someOperation'.
- These members may not be derived.

I'm using the document-literal style, and to the best of my knowledge I'm following all the rules.

To sum it up, I have a valid wsdl, but the tool doesn't like it.

What I'm looking for is if someone has lots of experience with the wsdl.exe tool and knows about some secret gotcha that I don't.

+1  A: 

I bet you'd get more responses if you gave a more complete example of what you want to do.

Michael Hardy
+3  A: 

I have came across to the same error message. Digging for a while, I discovered the following link that solved my problem.


What I did was to add all the included/imported .xsd files in addition to .wsdl at the end of the wsdl command.

wsdl.exe myWebService.wsdl myXsd1.xsd myType1.xsd myXsd2.xsd ...

Wsdl gave some warnings but it did create an ok service interface.


The answer from thehhv really helped me. The WSDL "Unable to import binding" issue was a real pain for me and I thought the solution was just fine. Thanks to thehhv and I hope these entries save someone else from the pain.


Well Thanks a lot for this post. I was going to bang my head ( where my manager could see) but now i dont have to. :-)
