




say my markup is:

    <li id="num1">hello</li>
    <li id="num2"><p>hello</p></li>
    <li id="num3">sdf dfg</li>
    <li id="num4"></li>
    <li id="num5"><a>linky</a></li>

how do I query the ul to return #num1, #num3 and #num4 (the ones with no child tags)?

something like:


however from the docs:

:empty  Returns: Array<Element(s)>
Matches all elements that have no children (including text nodes).

because it includes text, the above query is only returning me #num4.

What should/can I do instead?

Edit: I'm also using jQuery 1.1.4 (don't ask)


+1  A: 

You can try this:

    return $(this).children().length != 0;

Basically, the function checks if the number of immediate children is zero. It might not be the most elegant solution but at least it will work.

+2  A: 

How to get elements which have no children, but may have text?

Amr ElGarhy
ah my bad, this is duplicate then
Andrew Bullock
Ah. I looked for the link to that question before giving up and just posting what the answer was on here. I still don't quite think the :not(:has(*)) is very... elegant, but it is what it is.
Paolo Bergantino