





I'm using maven2 for dependency management. I have one project that contains some java files and some jsp files and another project, a web project, that depends on the first project. How do I access the jsp files from the web project? I can see that the jsp files are added to 1-0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar and not 1-0-SNAPSHOT.jar ( which is added as a dependency in the web projects pom.xml) ... Any suggestions would be appreciated..

+5  A: 


I think the correct Maven-way to do it would be to put the JSP files in your web project under /src/main/webapp. If that for some reason is not possible, you could use the Maven Dependency Plugin to copy the needed files into your webapp. Or, if you have a WAR project anyway, you could use an Overlay to copy the JSP-Files. The second option (which I'd recommend), would look something like this:

Thomas Marti
thank you for the answer. WAR overlay was the right solution for the project.
Glad to help. How about an upvote then... ;)
Thomas Marti

The problem with that solution is that when developping with Eclipse, the project doesn't handle the overlay ... so the jsp are not accessible ...
