



I'm trying to write a Greasemonkey script, and would like to use the jQuery library to do so, but I'm not quite sure how I would include jQuery from a web address to get rolling.

How would I include jQuery (from Google's web server) into the greasemonkey script so that I can just go:

  // Greasemonkey stuff here

I'd prefer to get it from this source:

<script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

Update: Thanks for the help, the answers were very informative. I did, however, utilize my GoogleFu a little more and came across this solution:

Works like a charm.. just update the source to google's hosted version of jQuery to complete.

+1  A: 

You could try dynamically creating a script element:

var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "";

You may need to delay for a bit while the script loads (setTimeout?)

+1  A: 

4 ways to dynamically load javascript

Scott Evernden
+3  A: 

From here:

// ==UserScript== 
// @name           jQueryTest 
// @namespace
// @include        * 
// ==/UserScript== 

// Add jQuery 
var GM_JQ = document.createElement('script'); 
GM_JQ.src = '';
GM_JQ.type = 'text/javascript'; 

// Check if jQuery's loaded 
function GM_wait() { 
    if(typeof unsafeWindow.jQuery == 'undefined') 
{ window.setTimeout(GM_wait,100); } 
        else { $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery; letsJQuery(); } 

// All your GM code must be inside this function 
function letsJQuery() { 

    alert($); // check if the dollar (jquery) function works 
    // the next call fails 
    $("<div id='example' class='flora' title='This is my title'>I'm in 
a dialog!</div>").dialog({ 
            buttons: { 
                "Ok": function() { 
                "Cancel": function() { 

It works perfectly, but you may want to limit the sites it runs on or host the jQuery js file on your own site so as not to steal their bandwidth.

Chris Doggett
haha that's rad that you just posted that too. I just found that link and replaced GM_JQ.src = ''; Thank you for contributing!!
This is not necessary for recent versions of greasemonkey and you can use the @require tag instead.
+10  A: 

The recommended way in recent versions of greasemonkey is to use the @require comment tag.


// ==UserScript==
// @name          Hello jQuery
// @namespace
// @description   jQuery test script
// @include       *
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

However... be aware that jQuery 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 are incompatible with this method

Thanks Paul Tarjan, for pointing this out. See jQuery forum thread.

Also be aware of these @require semantics

At the time that the user script is installed, Greasemonkey will download and keep a locally cached copy of the remote file that can be read almost instantly. The cached copy is kept in the same folder as your installed user-script. The remote file is not monitored for changes.

Please be aware that, at the time of writing this answer, this @require tag is only read at install-time. If you edit an existing user script to add this tag, it will be ignored. You need to uninstall and re-install your user script to pick up the change.

Wow, that is an extremely simple solution. That's awesome it caches too! Thank you.
awesome, complete and great answer.
Careful, this doesn't work for 1.4.1 or 1.4.2 :
Paul Tarjan
The cache feature is great and I always use it on my gs scripts. I use its small/packed and most of the time it has what I need.