Pax has given a good answer, but this code invokes fewer processes (11 vs a minimum of 56 = 7 * 8). It uses an auxilliary data file to give the days of the week and their sequence number.
cat <<! >p2input3
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
7 Sunday
sort +1 p2input3 > p2.days
sort +1 p2input2 >
join -1 2 -2 2 p2.days | sort +2 > p2.duty
sort +0 p2input1 > p2.body
join -1 3 -2 1 p2.duty p2.body | sort +2n | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' |
awk 'BEGIN { printf("%-14s %-14s %s\n", "Name", "On-Call", "Phone");
printf "\n"; }
{ printf("%-14s %-14s %s\n", $1, $2, $4);}'
rm -f p2input3 p2.days p2.duty p2.body
The join
command is powerful, but requires the data in the two files in sorted order on the joining keys. The cat
command gives a list of days and the day number. The first sort places that list in alphabetic order of day name. The second sort places the names of the people on duty in alphabetic order of day name too. The first join then combines those two files on day name, and then sorts based on user name, yielding the output:
Wednesday 3 Alice
Tuesday 2 Bob
Monday 1 Carol
Thursday 4 Dave
Friday 5 Frank
Saturday 6 Mary
Sunday 7 Ted
The last sort puts the names and phone numbers into alphabetic name order. The second join then combines the name + phone number list with the name + duty list, yielding a 4 column output. This is run through tr
to make the data all lower case, and then formatted with awk
, which demonstrates its power and simplicity nicely here (you could use Perl or Python instead, but frankly, that would be messier).
Perl has a motto: TMTOWTDI "There's more than one way to do it".
That often applies to shell scripting too.
I suppose my code does not use a loop...oh dear. Replace the initial cat
command with:
for day in "1 Monday" "2 Tuesday" "3 Wednesday" "4 Thursday" \
"5 Friday" "6 Saturday" "7 Sunday"
do echo $day
done > p2input3
This now meets the letter of the rules.