




Is there any openCL books out there? or in the pipeline?

Any online openCL tutorial?

I already looked at the usual pages like khronos/nvidia dev/opengl.org/ati dev/siggraph slides. Any other help or pointer is welcome :-D Thanks!

+2  A: 

Its so new that there hasn't been time for much to be developed. The best thing I've found is the official spec, which has some ideas in it for implementing a solution with it. I bet it will be a little while still before we have a good book available on it.

+1  A: 

I don't think there is a tutorial or book mainly because of two reasons: it's too new and, I think this is the main reason, there is no implementation open to the public yet.

About the last reason, NVIDIA has been working on an implementation. You can check out their official opencl site for updates.

The last information is that they'll be Beta testing their implementation this year.

IMO I think that the first tutorial/manual/book will be released by NVIDIA along with it's implementation. Something like the CUDA manuals.

+15  A: 

MacResearch.org has recently started a online video tutorial on OpenCL, focusing on the OS X Snow Leopard implementation, but also discussing the OpenCL standard itself


Brandon Bodnár
very nice, thank you.
+13  A: 
+3  A: 

Here is a page with many links to OpenCL tutorials: Parallel Programming Tutorial Series - Part 9 - OpenCL. For a practical example, have a look at Image Convolution Using OpenCL™ - A Step-by-Step Tutorial. The first book about OpenCL: The OpenCL Programming Book.

Paul Jurczak
+2  A: 

The Mac Dev Center has an overview, references to some terminology, a basic programming sample, some basic steps that must be done to develop, and some mac specific information. It has a "to be provided" on some sections on getting more performance and opengl integration as of the time of this post.

+2  A: 


Currently, I'm using OpenCL.NET bindings and I would like to share the tutorial I'm developing about OpenCL. I have posted examples and sample code:


Alternatively, go to http:// www.cmsoft.com.br/ and select Developers section. I have posted sample codes as well.

If, by any chance, you happen to speak Portuguese, I have translated the tutorial: http:// www.cmsoft.com.br/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=42&Itemid=77

I appreciate comments and, if you want to incorporate what I've done into OpenCL, I offer to help.

+1  A: 

Not really an answer, but I found this OpenCL NBody Simulation Example which might help as well, thought it was worth mentioning.


Some Stuff from NVidia:


(it are OpenCL Videos/pdf Slides about the Basics and some Optimizations)


And if you have questions try the appropriate Nvidia or AMD forums. Although using their forums feels like having traveled into the past, there tend to be imho more people who know OpenCl than here at SO.


I recommend taking a look at StreamComputing website.

Especially their education and blog sections. Also they are currently writing a book on the topic but unfortunately there is not much information available about it.
