Can anyone suggest a good guide/tutorial for programming PostgreSQL? By this I mean creating triggers and procedures, domains, new types, using the various languages, and so on.
The manual is good, but I found it lacking as a learning aid (it is more of a reference, as manuals should be)? It is very good at describing the SQL syntax and administration tools, but was not very good at the more advanced features of PostgreSQL.
I have used the forums in the past
but I think a proper guide or tutorial would be better.
Edit: Rereading my question, I see I was not clear enough, I am asking about writing stored procedures/triggers, creating new domains and types and all the higher end stuff. I was not asking about basic SQL and database functions, I was thinking more along the power user lines.
Update (Dec 2008): I still have not had a whole lot of luck finding anything really. I am currently using the later chapters of the PostgreSQL manual. In the FLOSS Weekly episode on PostgreSQL, Josh Berkus spoke of various uses where people have found ways for their server to talk directly to other databases, and various other applications that really sound quite impressive.
Of course, it seems quite plausible that this kind of functionality just is not really documented anywhere.