




I have a problem with setting Browsing Path in Delphi 2009:

When I install a new component, I add DCU path to Delphi's Library Path, and source path to Delphi's Browsing Path. The application compiles fine, but holding Ctrl and clicking on any of the unit names for that component does not open the source file!

It seems the only way to make it work is to add source path to Library Path, but this means I have to compile all the units belonging to third-party components every time I build my project!

This problem does not exist for Delphi's standard units, or even JCL and JVCL units which are installed by JCL\JVCL installer, and their source paths are added to Browsing Path.

Is this a bug, or it is me doing something wrong?



I would ensure the dcu's were compiled with debugging turned on. If this is a third party component and the source is provided with it this is usually the case but not always.

Of course source is provided with the component; otherwise, setting Browsing Path is meaningless!Also, DCUs are compiled with debug information.
+1  A: 

Are any of these units listed in the .dpr ? Units there with a wrong path can cause pretty funky behaviour.

Marco van de Voort
No. This is not related to a particular 3rd party component, I have this problem with all 3rd party components except JCL and JVCL which have their own installers. While I was investigating this, none of those units were used in project DPR file.Regards
+2  A: 

I was struggling with this problem for a long time. Changing REFERENCEINFO in package settings from "none" to "definitions only" did the trick. Hope this will help you also.

Alexey Orlov
Thank you! That was the trick. It seems by default "Symbol Reference Info" is set to "Reference Info" by Delphi, and it works fine, but some vendors (e.g. Devart) change this setting for their packages to None, and this causes this problem.