



What would you recommend as the "best" VB.NET and C# books for learning Design Patterns? Preferably books that actually give examples of when to use the patterns. I need to recommend some books to a group of C# and VB.NET developers.

+4  A: 

The obvious choice is C# Design Patterns. Love my copy. :)

Tony k
I agree 110%, I read this book over the course of a summer during an internship, and while it isn't really designed to give you a complete overview of design patterns, it's a great reference and learning tool for being able to apply the patterns specifically to C# applications.
+4  A: 

I would start with a classic - GoF Design Patterns

That's a pattern catalogue, not designed for learning.
GoF is not for beginners.
Syed Tayyab Ali
+4  A: 

Here is one of the best:

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

But before you go and spend money on a book, I would visit Design Patterns in C# and VB.NET - Gang of Four (GOF).

Andrew Hare
A: Also you can order the book from the website.

dr. evil
+26  A: 

Head First Design Patterns is best for learning.

Absolutely! As a matter of fact, just purchase every Head First book you can get your hands on. They're all worth it!
Mine was in java. Does there exists a .net version?
It's in java, but the examples are easy to read and very relevant to C#.
I own this book and enjoyed it. But the teaching style in the book is not for everyone.
Head First has a version of the book in C# now (and C++ as well). down to the Book code and downloads section.
Good source for memorize patterns are Flashcards see. Try
+6  A: 

It'll take a chapter or two to get past the incredibly huge cheese factor, but Head First Design Patterns is actually a fantastic book loaded with great examples.

Ryan Brunner
+1 for "incredibly huge cheese factor"...
+1  A: 

Another vote for C# Design Patterns

I still miss Steve Metsker. He was a really great guy.

Matthew Sposato
+10  A: 

Head First Design Patterns for learning, GOF Design patterns as a reference.

Nicolas Dorier

My favorite

1) C# 3.0 Design Patterns

2)C# Design and Development: Expert One on One

3) and obviously Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, also known as GOV


I'm going out on a limb here and recommending a non C# book, but Holub on Patterns is an amazing book. Only knowing C++ and C#, I was still able to muddle through the Java and get the point. :)

JP Alioto
+2  A: 
+1  A: 

I really recommend the Head First Design Patterns book for learning design patterns. The book explains the different patterns in an easy to understand way, and also does a good job of teaching good design principles.

This book's examples are in Java, but this language is close to VB.NET and C#, so I didn't find this to be a problem most of the time, though later in the book there are a couple of very Java specific examples.

Keep in mind that this book is really a learning book, not a reference book. Most examples aren't close to code you can find in real applications, they're just meant to teach you how a pattern works.

+1  A: 

Head First Design Patterns (again).

It is written with a Java programmer in mind, but the syntax is close enough to C# that the language should not be an issue.

But it is the best book I've seen for leaning design patterns.

Chris Brandsma

I used Head First Design Patterns but when it got a little too jokey for me, i would refer to Design Patterns in C#.

Allan Palmer

I really like Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Fowler, i keep opening it daily for references. It's not completely C# though, most examples is in Java but some is C#.

I also have to second Head First: Design Patterns.


Head First Deign Patterns was great for a intro to design patterns.


Design patterns, IMO, don't have anything to do with specific language. Specific language features may cause slightly different approach when implementing them

You can check out Code Complete. Its more from coder's perspective then from designers one.

Good starting place is:

You can check out this MSDN articles about some dotNet framework specifics Technical Articles

+2  A: 

I would sincerely recommend

which also offers code examples in + c# for all the design patterns

dofactory is great. Esp as it specifically covers Head First Design Patterns and GoF.
+1  A: 

Head First Design Patterns if you are totally new to the topic.

As a reference book and for learning even more I'd suggest Fowler's Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

Head First Design Patterns uses Java for its examples, but I found it to be absolutely brilliant (I work in C#). Highly, highly recommended. Read Fowler for depth, but read this book first!