I am trying to divide a sum of integers by a sum of [h]:mm:ss to get [s]. I am doing this by what seems to me to be this wild contortion.
temp = Split(Format(Range("D" & rInx).Value, "hh:mm:ss"), ":", -1, vbTextCompare)
answerDelay = CInt(temp(0)) * 3600 + CInt(temp(1)) * 60 + CInt(temp(2))
Because this seems rather odd to me I thought I would put it out there for you brains to look at and tell me a better way of doing it.
This is the end of a formula on a worksheet in short would be
The answer for this is 109 seconds.
It does work as I have it here, I just am not satified with my solution.
Do you have a better solution?
Thanks way in advance! Craig