



What is your way of passing data to Master Page (using ASP.NET MVC) without breaking MVC rules?

Personally, I prefer to code abstract controller (base controller) or base class which is passed to all views.

+6  A: 

Abstract controllers are a good idea, and I haven't found a better way. I'm interested to see what other people have done, as well.

Ian P

The Request.Params object is mutable. It's pretty easy to add scalar values to it as part of the request processing cycle. From the view's perspective, that information could have been provided in the QueryString or FORM POST. hth

+3  A: 

I did some research and came across these two sites. Maybe they could help.

ASP.NET MVC Tip #31 – Passing Data to Master Pages and User Controls

Passing Data to Master Pages with ASP.NET MVC

David Negron

I thing that another good way could be to create Interface for view with some Property like ParentView of some interface, so you can use it both for controls which need a reference to the page(parent control) and for master views which should be accessed from views.

+2  A: 

I find that a common parent for all model objects you pass to the view is exceptionally useful.

There will always tend to be some common model properties between pages anyway.

+33  A: 

If you prefer your views to have strongly typed view data classes this might work for you. Other solutions are probably more correct but this is a nice balance between design and practicality IMHO.

The master page takes a strongly typed view data class containing only information relevant to it:

public class MasterViewData
    public ICollection<string> Navigation { get; set; }

Each view using that master page takes a strongly typed view data class containing its information and deriving from the master pages view data:

public class IndexViewData : MasterViewData
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public float Price { get; set; }

Since I don't want individual controllers to know anything about putting together the master pages data I encapsulate that logic into a factory which is passed to each controller:

public interface IViewDataFactory
    T Create<T>()
        where T : MasterViewData, new()

public class ProductController : Controller
    public ProductController(IViewDataFactory viewDataFactory)

    public ActionResult Index()
        var viewData = viewDataFactory.Create<ProductViewData>();

        viewData.Name = "My product";
        viewData.Price = 9.95;

        return View("Index", viewData);

Inheritance matches the master to view relationship well but when it comes to rendering partials / user controls I will compose their view data into the pages view data, e.g.

public class IndexViewData : MasterViewData
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public float Price { get; set; }
    public SubViewData SubViewData { get; set; }

<% Html.RenderPartial("Sub", Model.SubViewData); %>

This is example code only and is not intended to compile as is. Designed for ASP.Net MVC 1.0.

Generic Error
This is the method recommended by Scott Gutherie, so I would have to agree.
Simon Fox
@Simon Fox - got a link to scottgu's recommendation? Couldn't find it.
Dan Atkinson
Sorry. Having a little trouble understanding part of this. The constructor for the controller is passed an instance of IViewDataFactory but the system is expecting a parameterless constructor. I am also not familiar with that C# syntax (specifically the "MasterViewData, new()") for the interface. Can somebody please explain it or point me to a good resource. Thanks.
@Jason: MVC allows you to specify a controller factory, which means you can use a dependency injection framework to instantiate controllers that take constructor parameters. `where T : MasterViewData, new()` tells the compiler that the Create method can only be called for types that extend `MasterViewData` (which `IndexViewData` does in this case), and which use a default or no-parameter constructor. In other words, I need to be able to say `MasterViewData data = new T();`.
I like having strongly-typed models to work with, but I'm not a big fan of coupling the master data with all my other models and actions. Jumping into this thread a bit late, but I posted my approach to master data that keeps things more loose.
Todd Menier
+10  A: 


Generic Error has provided a better answer below. Please read it!

Original Answer

Microsoft has actually posted an entry on the "official" way to handle this. This provides a step-by-step walk-through with an explanation of their reasoning.

In short, they recommend using an abstract controller class, but see for yourself.

Michael La Voie
THANK YOU! That example is EXACTLY what I am doing ... category on every page coming from the database.
Scott Gutherie, one of the authors of MVC recommends the solution provided by @Generic Error below
Simon Fox
i think the official way is not a good way
Barbaros Alp

The other solutions lack elegance and take too long. I apologize for doing this very sad and impoverished thing almost an entire year later:

<script runat="server" type="text/C#">
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        MasterModel = SiteMasterViewData.Get(this.Context);

    protected SiteMasterViewData MasterModel;

So clearly I have this static method Get() on SiteMasterViewData that returns SiteMasterViewData.

for many this might seem a bit hacky or 'unclean' but it gets the job done preety quickly
I wonder has ASP.NET MVC 2 addressed this issue?
Ugh. Your code seems a lot more difficult to maintain that if you had used Html.RenderAction().
Dan Esparza
+1  A: 

Great thread, but could someone please post a little more code?

I keep getting "; expected" after the T Create<T>() where T : MasterViewData, new() in

public interface IViewDataFactory
    T Create<T>() where T : MasterViewData, new()

code section when building my app. Do you place the ViewDataFactory in a separate code file?

What am I doing wrong?

Never mind, I got it working. You can find the solution here:
+5  A: 

I prefer breaking off the data-driven pieces of the master view into partials and rendering them using Html.RenderAction. This has several distinct advantages over the popular view model inheritance approach:

  1. Master view data is completely decoupled from "regular" view models. This is composition over inheritance and results in a more loosely coupled system that's easier to change.
  2. Master view models are built up by a completely separate controller action. "Regular" actions don't need to worry about this, and there's no need for a view data factory, which seems overly complicated for my tastes.
  3. If you happen to use a tool like AutoMapper to map your domain to your view models, you'll find it easier to configure because your view models will more closely resemble your domain models when they don't inherit master view data.
  4. With separate action methods for master data, you can easily apply output caching to certain regions of the page. Typically master views contain data that changes less frequently than the main page content.
Todd Menier
+1. Another advantage is that you can have the same view use different master pages depending on the current runtime state.