



I want to create a stored procedure that takes a simple SELECT statement and return the resultset as a CSV string. So the basic idea is get the sql statement from user input, run it using EXEC(@stmt) and convert the resultset to text using cursors. However, as SQLServer doesn't allow:

  • select * from storedprocedure(@sqlStmt)
  • UDF with EXEC(@sqlStmt)

so I tried Insert into #tempTable EXEC(@sqlStmt), but this doesn't work (error = "invalid object name #tempTable").

I'm stuck. Could you please shed some light on this matter?

Many thanks


Actually the output (e.g CSV string) is not important. The problem is I don't know how to assign a cursor to the resultset returned by EXEC. SP and UDF do not work with Exec() while creating a temp table before inserting values is impossible without knowing the input statement.

I thought of OPENQUERY but it does not accept variables as its parameters.


You need to create the temp table with the same columns as what the stored proc returns before inserting into it.

However, outputting to CSV doesn't sound like a job particularly suited to SQL. Are you limited to doing it with a stored proc, or can you write a script or program to take the results and store in CSV? That would probably be an overall easier approach.

Ryan Brunner

If I'm not mistaken you want a stored procedure that accepts a SELECT statment and returns the results, optionaly as a CSV.

So EXEC prExecute 'select * from tablea' is what you'd like to call? That's fairly east:

CREATE PROC prExecute ( @sql varchar(2000))
    EXEC (@sql);

But I don't understand the need for the cursor here.
