



Hi all, Is there any option for local database like Sqlite for j2me - CLDC devices? PerstLite and OpenBaseMovil are both under dual license. Is there any open source option for this? Or, any alternate way of developing application.


HSQLDB? I'm not sure if it works on mobile devices.

Adam Dziendziel

HSQLDB lacks solution for MIDP devices :(


Can anyone please suggest what can be used? All suggestions are welcome.

+1  A: 

Hello, We are a startup mobile technology company and we have a relational database with SQL and JDBC support available for CLDC 1.0 / MIDP 1.0 platform on any phone supporting J2ME. The size of the executable jar file is 115 KB. It supports SQL with advanced features like triggers. If you are interested in obtaining an evaluation copy, please let me know at [email protected]

+2  A: 

from List of Database in J2ME:
Apache Derby - an open source relational database / about 2 megabytes
Java DB - Sun's supported distribution of Apache Derby database / footprint of 2.5 MB
Floggy - free object persistence framework for J2ME/MIDP applications / 11k API
J2MEMicroDB - free object persistence framework for J2ME
mDrawer - J2ME generic database program with DES encryption
RMS DB Class - J2ME class to provide easy access to the RMS-Database system of mobile phones
Micro DB - implementation of relation database in J2ME plataform

For small amount of data you also may use kXML + miniXPath

Max Gontar
Anything specific for Blackberry devices?UltraliteJ is not open source. Sqlite not available for Blackberry devices...
Well... UltraliteJ is a part of Sybase SQL Anywhere. It has developer license for 1 machine, so you can develope and test with it for free. but it's commertial and youll have to buy deployement license for delivery. Anyway I heard there will be sqllite support for blackberry in next version, so hold on ;)
Max Gontar
+1  A: 

You might also want to look at (a little heavy but a place to start).

+2  A: 

I think Floggy is promising. It's frequently updated and it has good documentation. Released under Apache license.


Hi Louis,

Can you pls tel me how to use sqliteJDBC in blackberry, actually I have added the sqlitejdbc-v056 jar file in blackberry app. I have tried the sample code in the link u gave, but the classes Connection, DriverManager and PreparedStatement are not available in the sqliteJDBC jar, so can you pls help me with any tutorial or sample code.


floggy is better solution.