Duplicate of Learning to write a compiler and What are the best resources on designing a new language?
Can you point to what you think is the best documentation on creating a new programming language (--apart from the Dragon book, which I know of already). I am interested in both scripting language and general programming language design.
Let me clarify this a bit: I am interested in both language design documentation and language (i.e compiler) implementation documentation.
Are there any online walk-throughs by language designers, or any blog posts or articles describing the process and the tools (parser generators, gc libraries, etc) that they used?
Is there any book that describes the various stages of creating a programming language, preferably by its creator? You can also recommend generic books about language design (like issues with garbage collection, concurrency, generic programming, etc...)
Something having to do with LLVM would be especially appreciated.
(I have used the Dragon Book in the past to design and implement a very basic compiler of a C++ like language for a university course. That was about 10 years ago).
Please, no "why would one want to design a new language" answers.